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2016-12-12 BOS minutes
Town of Princeton, Mass. – December 12, 2016 – 5 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN w/ Advisory Committee
– Budget Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and Edith Morgan present, and TA Nina Nazarian present. Advisory members present were Bill Lawton; Jim O’Coin; John Shipman; George Handy and Wayne Adams.

5:20 PM   Stan opened meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Nina suggested that the Cable Advisory Committee insert a news flyer in the town census mailing—could also include a note about signing up for CodeRED. The Town Clerk’s tax work off assistant will be on vacation for approx. two months. During this time, the Town Clerk will need assistance with data entry from the census mailing as it’s received. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Joyce Szerejko to the position of Temporary Census Clerk for a period of 3 months.
Group discussed goals for BOS and for T.A. and Jon F. suggested that one procedure he’d like to see adopted was for a monthly check on the accountant’s bank reconciliation, as it only would require 15-20 minutes. Selectmen voted all in favor to accept the BOS goals for 2017 as presented; and, voted all in favor to accept the T.A. goals for 2017 as presented.
Group considered letter from School Supt. Darryll McCall requesting BOS sign-off of the WSRD new Lease Agreement. The three selectmen voted all in favor to hold off signing the lease until they had a Maintenance Agreement in hand which addresses well water and septic system payments to Princeton for T.P. School, to equalize the situation of payments which the district makes to other towns for similar infrastructure upkeep. A letter will be returned to McCall’s office with that message.
Michele Powers came in to discuss Police Dept. budget which has no increase from the FY’17 version for union salaries, which will be in negotiation. Michele noted a correction in non-unioin salaries concerning holiday pay for FY’18. Michele noted that there was extra overtime costs in FY’17 because of Marcotte case. The regional dispatch in Holden is paid bi-annually and totaled $85,000/year for FY’16. An invoice is pending for FY’17.
John Shipman asked about the schedule for vehicle replacement and requested more detail about the vehicles in the fleet—Michele will email it out. George Handy asked about grants, and she explained that she receives notices from state and federal agencies. Some grant requirements take up a lot of staff time.  George suggested that staff time could be added just to search for grants.
Jon F. has been doing some research on police departments in other towns of similar size and comparing police spending on a per capita basis. He said the number was high—at about 80 (if 50 is average). Michele explained that her department runs as on duty 24/7 and many towns have no one on duty at night; with state police filling in if there’s a call.
The group got into a discussion on the roof replacement which is needed at the police station. It’s been patched several times since 2010, but the substructure may be an issue and needs investigation. Nina will start with an assessment from Phil Connors, as he’s been doing the patching.
6:10 PM  John Bennett in with Tim Kelly for Fire Dept. budget. They reported that ambulance calls were up this year, reflecting a minimal increase. In 2015 calls totaled 309; so far in 2016 it’s up to 317. There was much talk about EMT and levels of medical service, with staff and vehicles. Salaries are requested at an increase of 2 percent. Ambulance up 3 percent in salaries due to increased calls and it’s not possible to move funds around. Revenue from ambulance calls about $100,000/year, while total expenses close to $200,000. Stan calculated that as about $60./year per tax bill. Fire and rescue have equipment that needs regular replacement and John B. states that he’s been very aggressive about seeking grants. His department averages about $10,000/year in grants they can count on.
        Fire Dept. goals include increasing the number of fire ponds and maintaining the existing ones—all hydrants get flushed out and cleared each year.
7 PM  Selectmen and Advisory Committee will set a long-term building plan at a meeting in early January, and include a volunteer Dave Hilton.
Jon F. reported that he has begun a financial review of the town and finds that Princeton gets very little state funding. A letter from MassDEP was discussed, concerning the capped landfill off Hubbardston Road. Selectmen requested a waiver reducing the schedule for groundwater testing to alternating years, but DEP denied the request because no testing was done in 2015. The firm of Tighe & Bond were responsible for testing.
7:15 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes as presented for Nov. 28, Dec. 5 and executive session for Nov. 28 approve but not release.
7:17 PM  Everyone except selectmen left as selectmen went into executive session. Stan moved and Jon seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.        Exemption Three – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with union personnel – police union. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.” SEE SEPARATE MINUTES

8:02 PM  Selectmen voted to adjourn from executive session.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Budget books with updated Ambulance Account page; Letter from School Supt. Darryll McCall; letter from DEP.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department